Photovoltaic will be like the TV into every household Feb 21, 2024

Television was first invented by the British engineer John Logie Baird in 1925, from the 1980s, television into our families, remember when dozens of people crowded to watch a black and white TV, can not think that now TV is the standard in the family. With the TV on and the news on at 7 p.m., it's a family atmosphere.

In recent years, the photovoltaic industry has developed rapidly, and the installation of photovoltaic has become a representative of fashion trends. If you installed photovoltaic on your roof a few years ago, and even local media came to interview, an interview became famous, and then everyone came to the home to see the photovoltaic roof built, quite the first village to buy a TV set, the whole village came to your home to watch TV feeling.

So why say that photovoltaic in the future will become the standard of every household?

This starts from the rapid development of photovoltaic power generation in the past two years, in recent years, the state has issued many policies to support the photovoltaic industry, carbon peak carbon neutral and double carbon targets have greatly promoted the development of the photovoltaic industry, at the same time the rapid development of our economy, China is facing more and more environmental pressure, and the construction of distributed photovoltaic is one of the most effective ways to reduce environmental pressure.

Distributed photovoltaic construction on the industrial and commercial roofs or residential roofs, does not occupy additional resources, close to the power end, is one of the most important forms of power generation in the future, each household can produce electricity, into the grid, using "self-use surplus electricity online" or "full Internet" mode.

It has not only made great contributions to the national green strategy, but also increased the income of individuals or enterprises, so that there is no harm in it, and it is inevitable that it will become the standard of every household in the future.

Simple maintenance

Many owners are wondering that as a photovoltaic roof as a power generation equipment, is it really noise-free, pollution-free and radiation-free? Photovoltaic power stations use solar energy for photoelectric conversion, and are very safe to install on the roof. And there is no loss in the power generation process, it can be used for 25 years, and the attenuation is less than 20% after 25 years. The radiation of photovoltaic compared with household appliances is about the same as that of laptop computers, lower than induction stoves, hair dryers, refrigerators. So there's no need to worry about it.

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